Bach hearing aids SoundScape Manager technology

Putting The Focus On Conversations

A new technology platform presents hearing aid manufacturers with opportunities to make changes that positively impact users. The introduction of the powerful new “D” platform has enabled Bach to go above and beyond, helping wearers hear speech in noise to really focus on conversations. It’s not surprising that many other hearing instrument manufacturers share Bach’s…

Bach hearing aids' localization improves speech understanding

Bach hearing aids’ localization improves speech understanding in noise

Localization improves speech understanding. Spatial awareness, or localization of sound, is important in quiet environments but is even more critical when it comes to understanding speech in noisy environments. Traditional hearing aid directional microphones are supposed to help people hear better in noise, however, they can also cause harm to understand speech harm by removing…

Speech Direction Detection

Bach Speech Direction Detection

How Our Ears Determine Speech DIRECTION The secret of determining speech direction is binaural hearing and the location of the ears. Because our ears are on opposite sides of our heads, the sounds heard by each ear vary in timing, volume, and frequency balance. These subtle differences are the clues that the brain uses to determine a sound’s emanating location. Bach’s…